Category Archives: Massage

What is Love?

What is Love?

spirit-15701__180What is love?” is perhaps one of the most pondered about questions of our existence. Is it a feeling? An emotion? Is it who we are? Is it something we all feel? Love can make us feel and do many different things in our lives and today we’re going to explore the idea that there may be two types of love: healthy love and unhealthy love.

Types of Love

To set up the context for this exploration, let’s quickly define what’s going on here. Generally we hear love defined as either conditional or unconditional. Conditional love would be loving something based on a certain set of conditions being met. i.e. “I only love this person if they do this for me, if they don’t, then I don’t love them.”

Unconditional love would be more so “regardless of your choices and the fact that they may have caused me to experience painful emotions, I still love you because I recognize the purpose of our journey.” Note, this does not mean unconditional love means sacrificing, staying in unhealthy relationships or abuse etc. It simply means the feeling of love is always there. Like a mother or father loving their child.

Healthy Love Versus Unhealthy Love

Leaving the ideas of conditional and unconditional love aside for a moment, let’s look at two types of love.

Unhealthy love can be seen as giving up aspects of yourself simply to please someone that you might be with. It can also come when you depend on the other person or need them for your own happiness or joy. Unhealthy love can be addictive and keep you locked up in stagnant periods of life where you use this form of love to avoid moving past your own challenges. Simply, unhealthy love is more about what the mind’s idea of love is. It can often involve playing games, manipulation, sacrifice and so on, all of which you will notice is quite draining to do, yet you can’t let it go.

Healthy love is something that is mutual between two people and no one gives themselves up to experience it. It is based on a feeling within versus what’s going on on the outside. It’s about allowing your partner to go through their own experiences and not judge them. Support them and understand them regardless of if they may have triggered a button within you. Together, you are open, can communicate and grow. You don’t need each other but simply work as a team to move through life.

How To Experience Healthy Love

The bottom line is, whatever experience you are having now is totally fine. Why? Because even if it isn’t entirely what you want, it plays the role of showing you how you feel when you are outside of your soul’s desires. Accept the experience you have right now and thank it for showing you another color of life.

To transform your experience of love, look at the many facets of unhealthy love and see if any apply to you. If they do, reflect on each piece and find the source of why you feel it’s there. For example if you feel you are addicted to your partner or need them around, ask yourself why that is. Writing things down and reflecting on it or talking to a person with experience in moving past the challenge can also help.

In the end you are looking to find out why you are feeding that need for the other person (or whatever challenge is unique to you). It could be because you don’t feel complete within yourself. It could be because of a past pain or reluctance to put yourself out there. Whatever the case may be, as you reflect and become aware of it you understand more about yourself and in turn can choose to move beyond it and process those emotions.

Lust after Lavender


Lavender is the star of the herbal world. Regarded as one of the most beneficial and versatile herbs for therapeutic and cosmetic purposes, the ancient secrets of lavender are out. Here are ten reasons to surround yourself in all things lavender.

1. It rejuvenates the skin

Lavender’s antiseptic and antifungal properties have assisted in the treatment of pesky skin problems for centuries. Its balancing action helps clear acne, prevent tissue degeneration, calm psoriasis, and aid the formation of scar tissue. As it contains a high percentage of linalool, naturopaths also use it to promote the healing of wounds, cuts, burns, and sunburn.

2. It strengthens hair

Keep tresses glossy and follicles strong through regular massages with lavender oil. Lavender is found in numerous hair care products, and for good reason – it’s known to balance scalp oils and rejuvenate the hair from root to tip.

3. It smoothes cellulite

Beautiful legs are achievable with a little flower power. Lavender improves circulation, tones the skin, prevents stretch marks and dispels fluid retention, thus helping with the appearance of cellulite.

4. It eases anxiety and insomnia

Scientific evidence suggests aromatherapy with lavender may be as effective in soothing the nervous system as some pharmaceutical relaxants. It’s renowned for promoting relaxation and improving sleep quality, and is even used by herbalists to ease mood swings and depression.

5. It relieves headache and pain

Lavender is famous among aromatherapists as the oil of choice for pain relief. Gentle massage with lavender oil not only melts away body-tension, it is an effective way to relieve pain from headache, sore muscles, aching joints, rheumatism and sprains.

6. It helps clear respiratory disorders

Don’t spend another sleepless night coughing. Lavender eases muscle spasms, fights infection, dulls pain, and most importantly helps you sleep. It is extensively used for a number of respiratory problems including coughing, throat infections, asthma, sinus congestion, bronchitis, whooping cough, and laryngitis.

7. It aids digestion

Your tummy has as many nerves as your brain so it’s no surprise lavender can calm the d

igestive system as it can calm the mind. Both an antispasmodic and a sedative, lavender can work wonders on ‘nervous stomach’ and cramps, as well as aid indigestion by stimulating the production of gastric juices and bile.

8. It helps clear respiratory disorders

Don’t spend another sleepless night coughing. Lavender eases

muscle spasms, fights infection, dulls pain, and most importantly helps you sleep. It is extensively used for a number of respiratory problems including coughing, throat infections, asthma, sinus congestion, bronchitis, whooping cough, and laryngitis.

9. It boosts immunity

Regular use of lavender oil has been shown to boost resistance to disease by lowering the flow of the stress hormone Cortisol. Cortisol lowers your immunity, which makes you more susceptible to colds and influenza during stressful times.

10. It’s soothing and calming

The scent of lavender brings about a sense of calm. Research has shown that lavender has soothing and even slight sedative effects when inhaled.



Looking for the dead?


Not as strange as it sounds. Many of have been overseas, interstate. Simply not around when a friend or beloved family member has departed this Earth. If you are in Australia there is a fabulous service offered by Oz Burials. I gave a small donation via Paypal as they actually offer this service for free. However they do ask that if you can, give just a little to help them keep up this amazing service.Nans gravesite curley_wa_sc2 curley_wa_scI have subsequently discovered that quite a few people I know have accessed their services in the past and have like me found them to be amazing. No longer lost! They give you a surprising amount of information

Chemical free body wash – yes you can make it!


Personally I read the ingredients on the back and they are scary. I cannot pronounce them and generally have no idea what they are…..

I make my own body butters so recently decided to add shower gel to the list.

Mix together – you can actually use the bottle you intend to keep in, just leave enough room to shake the ingredients together! Let is stand once mixed for about an hour. If you are using essential oils the aroma seems to infuse beautifully ready to burst out when you use your body wash.

3/4 cup of liquid castile soap
1/4 cup of raw, unfiltered honey
2 teaspoons of oil. You can choose grapeseed, jojoba, sweet almond, sesame, or olive oil
1 teaspoon of vitamin E oil
50 drops of essential oils (optional)

Enjoy! No more chemical storm in your bathroom.

Super food – Raw cacao


The Taste of Healthy  Cacao Beans. cacao
Cacao was the ‘Food of the Gods & Goddesses’ and the Mexican Mayans drank cacao chocolate drinks to maintain their vigour and valued the bean so highly that it was used as currency.
The Kuna Indians of the Panamian Islands of San Blas  who consume raw cacao in significantly high amounts, have extremely low blood pressure that doesn’t climb with age.

Raw cacao is possibly the best food source of magnesium which relieves stress and relaxes muscles and also maintains healthy heart and brain vitality.

– Raw cacao contains an array of natural neurochemicals such as tryptophan (the feel good chemical in serotonin production), anandamide (the bliss chemical), phenylethylmine… (the love chemical).

– Adding dairy, sugar or heat treating (like most commercial chocolates do) destroys most of the amazing healing properties of cacao.

Raw cacao is classified as a SUPERFOOD.
Raw cacao has a high antioxidant rating of  95,500 (on the ORAC scale) – which is 21 times more than green tea and 7 times more than dark chocolate.

Raw Cacao has over 360% more antioxidants than regular heated cacao

Raw cacao is possibly the best food source of magnesium which relieves stress and relaxes muscles and also maintains healthy heart and brain vitality.

Raw cacao contains an array of natural neurochemicals such as tryptophan (the feel good chemical in serotonin production), anandamide (the bliss chemical), phenylethylmine… (the love chemical).

Adding dairy, sugar or heat treating (like most commercial chocolates do) destroys most of the amazing healing properties of cacao! So don’t…..

Are you polluting our oceans?


Did you know that many facial scrubs and shower gels, toothpastes and other personal care products contain tiny plastic beads. these beads are too small to be removed by water treatment plants and are ending up as plastic in the ocean. The beads are unfortunately consumed by fish and other marine animals, not only causing harm to these animals but also ending up in us as part of the food we consume. Some exfoliants contain as many as 350,000 beads in one tube. In the USA the states of New York and Illanois have moved to ban these beads from skin and other personal care items.

What can you do?

Check out the labels of the products you purchase. It they contain the words ‘ployethylene’ or ‘polypropylene’ in the ingredients list, as this indicates that the product contains plastic. Opt instead for products that use beads made from clays, bamboo. The Australian Jojoba Company is one of many ethical Companies producing products that are safe for you and safe for the planet.



Bliss Balls, Perfect to

Bliss Balls, Perfect to

Make a batch of bliss balls this weekend. These are my latest guilt free obsession. Experiment with different nuts like cashews, almonds, pecans and walnuts, or a combination of all, tuning the recipe to your preferred tastes. You can also sub in carob powder instead of cacao, and go crazy experimenting with different fruits, nuts and seeds to make your bliss balls satisfyingly crunchy and chunky or delightfully smooth. They keep well in the fridge.


1 cup pitted medjool dates
1/2 cup almonds or any other nuts
1/2 cup cashews or any other nuts
1/3 cup goji berries
1/3 cup raw organic cacao powder
1/3 cup coconut oil
1/2 cup shredded coconut

1/2 orange, juice only
Zest of an orange
1/4 cup pistachios
cacao nibs
raw pumpkin seeds
sesame seeds
Mayvers all natural Cacao and Hazelnut spread


Soak the dates in warm water for 15–20 minutes to soften.

While the dates are soaking, add the nuts, flour, shredded coconut and cacao to a food processor and mix until fine crumbs remain. Add the dates and process again.

Transfer mixture to a medium-size bowl and drizzle in the coconut oil, mixing with a wooden spoon until evenly combined. If the mixture is too dry to stick together at this stage, add the juice of half an orange, a little water or more coconut oil until it is moist enough to roll into balls. If you’re adding goji berries, chopped pistachios, cacao nibs or pumpkin seeds, now is the time to mix them in when you’re adding extra moisture.

Prepare a baking or other flat tray with baking paper. Use a spoon to help you gather mixture to roll into a bite-size ball. Roll into crushed pistachio dust, extra shredded coconut, cacao powder or sesame seeds for an array of different coatings. Let set in the fridge before transferring to an airtight container.

Oat Bath Soak

Dream bath with the dream view! Ahhh

Dream bath with the dream view! Ahhh

Yes, you may be used to having them for breakfast, however they have other uses! We all know that oats are high in fibre, particularly beta-glucan which helps to lower cholesterol re-absorbtion, oats are a delicious wholegrain and complex carbohydrate.

While a piping hot bowl of oatmeal for breakfast can keep us going and assists is making us feel fuller for longer, it also contains anti-inflammatory and antioxidants, making it an ideal salve for dry skin.


1 cup finely ground oats, 2-3 drops a good carrier oil like jojoba, sweet almond, or  hemp.

oatmeal, ready for your bathtub

oatmeal, ready for your bathtub


After running your bath, scatter the oats and oil in the water, gently mix for a minute or two, until the water turns milky. hop in and enjoy!

Add a few drops of a quality carrier oil like Jojoba.

Add a few drops of a quality carrier oil like Jojoba.

Breathe, Be Still & Rest

  • imagesWalk barefoot on the earth each day to ground yourself
  • Enjoy 10 minutes of sunshine each day for a boost of vitamin D
  • Reduce chemicals in your home using natural cleaners
  • Use a shower filter that reduces 99% of chlorine which is toxic when heated
  • Meditate for at least 10 minutes each day
  • Get good quality, deep sleep each nightimages
  • Live with passion
  • Find the positives in situations
  • Laugh and smile for no reason
  • Spend quality time with loved ones, family & friends