Category Archives: Eucalypt

Lust after Lavender


Lavender is the star of the herbal world. Regarded as one of the most beneficial and versatile herbs for therapeutic and cosmetic purposes, the ancient secrets of lavender are out. Here are ten reasons to surround yourself in all things lavender.

1. It rejuvenates the skin

Lavender’s antiseptic and antifungal properties have assisted in the treatment of pesky skin problems for centuries. Its balancing action helps clear acne, prevent tissue degeneration, calm psoriasis, and aid the formation of scar tissue. As it contains a high percentage of linalool, naturopaths also use it to promote the healing of wounds, cuts, burns, and sunburn.

2. It strengthens hair

Keep tresses glossy and follicles strong through regular massages with lavender oil. Lavender is found in numerous hair care products, and for good reason – it’s known to balance scalp oils and rejuvenate the hair from root to tip.

3. It smoothes cellulite

Beautiful legs are achievable with a little flower power. Lavender improves circulation, tones the skin, prevents stretch marks and dispels fluid retention, thus helping with the appearance of cellulite.

4. It eases anxiety and insomnia

Scientific evidence suggests aromatherapy with lavender may be as effective in soothing the nervous system as some pharmaceutical relaxants. It’s renowned for promoting relaxation and improving sleep quality, and is even used by herbalists to ease mood swings and depression.

5. It relieves headache and pain

Lavender is famous among aromatherapists as the oil of choice for pain relief. Gentle massage with lavender oil not only melts away body-tension, it is an effective way to relieve pain from headache, sore muscles, aching joints, rheumatism and sprains.

6. It helps clear respiratory disorders

Don’t spend another sleepless night coughing. Lavender eases muscle spasms, fights infection, dulls pain, and most importantly helps you sleep. It is extensively used for a number of respiratory problems including coughing, throat infections, asthma, sinus congestion, bronchitis, whooping cough, and laryngitis.

7. It aids digestion

Your tummy has as many nerves as your brain so it’s no surprise lavender can calm the d

igestive system as it can calm the mind. Both an antispasmodic and a sedative, lavender can work wonders on ‘nervous stomach’ and cramps, as well as aid indigestion by stimulating the production of gastric juices and bile.

8. It helps clear respiratory disorders

Don’t spend another sleepless night coughing. Lavender eases

muscle spasms, fights infection, dulls pain, and most importantly helps you sleep. It is extensively used for a number of respiratory problems including coughing, throat infections, asthma, sinus congestion, bronchitis, whooping cough, and laryngitis.

9. It boosts immunity

Regular use of lavender oil has been shown to boost resistance to disease by lowering the flow of the stress hormone Cortisol. Cortisol lowers your immunity, which makes you more susceptible to colds and influenza during stressful times.

10. It’s soothing and calming

The scent of lavender brings about a sense of calm. Research has shown that lavender has soothing and even slight sedative effects when inhaled.



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